I got these off of eBay a long time ago and hadn't gotten to them. I was going to make this one into an ornament but when I saw this when looking for things to add to it I knew this would be perfect and super easy. You just cut out the pattern on the back and press it into the teeth. Mom loves anything handmade and jewelry so I think this will go over and
Here you can see my ThreadWorx floss, the free pattern, and the necklace. Looking forward to seeing how it goes over. Here is the back and how it works. Onto my daily thoughts on faith and our Lord. Something that He showed me in a dream the other day really got my attention. It started with the day before when we had the TV on while playing ball in the house with Lila my service dog. I kept getting distracted and before I knew it I was staring at the tv and totally forgot about playing ball. Just being honest. Anyhoo it happened twice and then I asked to mute it. That got my attention of how easily I get distracted by things. So then I had this dream where it showed how satan uses things like TV and other worldly things to lure us in to spend way too much time watching TV and others things instead of spending our time doing things with family or God. The dream showed a room of people just sucked into the tv and instead of nourishing relationships, getting excercise and spending time with God. And satan was just sitting there laughing at how easily we a influenced or led astray just like sheep. Thank goodness we have a Shepherd who has redeemed us. He's got lots of good meaningful things for us to do here on earth. I e learned through this that I need to be mindful of what and how much I spend time doing things that can suck me in and steal precious time I can't get back. With that said I like watching some tv. I like good family shows. We have a program called PureFlix. It's a streaming video network that is all Christian programming. It really is great. Dove has one too. Hope all this blesses you today.
Pretty heart that is and good thoughts to on distractions!