Saturday, December 16, 2017

Needlepoint heaven

The other day after having lunch with my parents my mom mentioned some holiday decorations she wanted to give me. I have been making scissor cases and eyeglasses cases using plastic canvas and doing needlepoint/canvaswork on them. I had brought her and dad one of each. She was so thrilled to have something to protect her scissors ✂️ eapecially when traveling so I offer to make a case for each pit she owned. Mom does a lot of knitting for friends, family, charities, and sometimes herself. She says it’s really good for her arthritis in her anyways she told me she wondered if I could use her leftover scraps of yarn for my needlepoint and of course I snatched that offer up in a hurry. Yesterday I designed as I went this lovely bookmark. I just googled needlepoint stitches to choose the one I wanted to use when I ran out of ideas and I am so pleased with what I chose.

I am just thrilled at how well it turned out:) After that I decided to try to stitch a quilt design using a simple scotch stitch and many different colors. I only wish I had thought of adding borders before I started the actual main part of the quilt.

Now I plan to add some orange and pink to make it pop and just cycle through the other colors again. I’m using  Bernet sock wool yarn.

Last night I was also able to get some coloring from my 3D Christmas 🎄 ornaments. I am adding one to some of my Christmas 🎄 cards. I truely enjoy the whole process of getting my yearly Christmas  filled out and sent. It brings back childhood memories of helping my mom address her Christmas cards together over a cup of hot tea ☕️ with carols being played on the record player. Yes I am that old... remember records. I even still have one and many records to go with. There is just something soothing about listening to music 🎶 on a record player. 

And now I will leave you with these remaining thoughts. In al the hustle and bustle and distractions of the holidays take a moment each day to reflect on what it is all really about.The Bible tells us if we knock He will open the door to us, if we seek Him sincerely we will find him and if we ask it will be given to us. I pray that you take time to seek him with tour whole heart. He loves you so much more than you could ever much he came to earth 🌏 over 2000 years ago as a humble poor boy to be treated horrible, abused, mocked, tormented, rejected. And abandoned all to make a way for us so that we can be made right with him and spend eternity with him forever. What a precious gift he has given us. Lord Jesus thankyou so much for dying on the cross for all of us  in Jesus name I pray Amen

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